Affiliation |
Faculty of Engineering, Division of Intelligent Systems Engineering |
Job Title |
Associate Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Quantum squeezing, Microcavities, Excitons, Quantum electrodynamics, Polaritons, Quantum optics, Superradiance, Condensed matter photophysics, Semiconductors, Phase transitions, Superconducting circuits, Quantum computing, Laser, Superradiant phase transition, Thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields, Electromagnetism, Nonlinear optics |
YNU Research Center |
Related SDGs |
BAMBA Motoaki
The Best Research Achievement in Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
【Published Thesis】 Observation of Dicke cooperativity in magnetic interactions(Science) 2018.08
【Published Thesis】 Magnonic superradiant phase transition(Communications Physics) 2022.01
【Published Thesis】 Superradiant Phase Transition in a Superconducting Circuit in Thermal Equilibrium(Physical Review Letters) 2016.10
YNU Research Center 【 display / non-display 】
Education 【 display / non-display 】
Osaka University Department of Materials Engineering Science Doctor Course Completed
Osaka University Department of Electronics and Materials Physics Graduated
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Duty Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Engineering Division of Intelligent Systems Engineering Associate Professor
Concurrently Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor
Concurrently Yokohama National UniversityGraduate school of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Kyoto University Hakubi Researcher
Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Collaborative Associate Professor
Kyoto University The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research Program-Specific Associate Professor
Kyoto University International Research Unit of Quantum Information Member
Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Program-Specific Junior Associate Professor (JST PRESTO)
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics
Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photon science
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Semiconductor quantum science and technology
Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Andrey Baydin, Weilu Gao, Motoaki Bamba, Junichiro Kono( Role: Joint author , 分担執筆, 範囲:Ultrastrong light–matter coupling in semiconductors)
Elsevier ( ISBN:9780128237731 ) [Reviewed]
Total pages:472 Responsible for pages:89-151 Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
Ultrastrong light–matter coupling in semiconductors
Nicolas Marquez Peraca and Andrey Baydin and Weilu Gao and Motoaki Bamba and Junichiro Kono( Role: Joint author)
Elsevier ( ISBN:9780128237731 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
問集出版プロジェクト 編, 木村剛, 小林研介, 田島節子( Role: Joint author , 担当:共編者(共編著者))
大阪大学出版会 ( ISBN:9784872595710 )
Total pages:158 Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display 】
Quantum Electrodynamics of Excitons with Radiative Relaxation
Motoaki Bamba
Osaka University 2009.3
Doctoral Thesis Single Work [Reviewed]
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Quantum simulation of an extended Dicke model with a magnetic solid
Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Xinwei Li, Jaime M. Moya, Kenji Hayashida, Dasom Kim, Xiaoxuan Ma, Kelly J. … Show more authors
Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Xinwei Li, Jaime M. Moya, Kenji Hayashida, Dasom Kim, Xiaoxuan Ma, Kelly J. Neubauer, Diego Fallas Padilla, Chien-Lung Huang, Pengcheng Dai, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy, Han Pu, Emilia Morosan, Shixun Cao, Motoaki Bamba, Junichiro Kono Hide authors
Communications Materials 5 ( 1 ) 42 2024.3 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Springer Nature Joint Work
The Dicke model describes the cooperative interaction of an ensemble of two-level atoms with a single-mode photonic field and exhibits a quantum phase transition as a function of light–matter coupling strength. Extending this model by incorporating short-range atom–atom interactions makes the problem intractable but is expected to produce new physical phenomena and phases. Here, we simulate such an extended Dicke model using a crystal of ErFeO3, where the role of atoms (photons) is played by Er3+ spins (Fe3+ magnons). Through terahertz spectroscopy and magnetocaloric effect measurements as a function of temperature and magnetic field, we demonstrated the existence of a novel atomically ordered phase in addition to the superradiant and normal phases that are expected from the standard Dicke model. Further, we elucidated the nature of the phase boundaries in the temperature–magnetic-field phase diagram, identifying both first-order and second-order phase transitions. These results lay the foundation for studying multiatomic quantum optics models using well-characterized many-body solid-state systems.
Perfect intrinsic squeezing at the superradiant phase transition critical point
Kenji Hayashida and Takuma Makihara and Nicolas Marquez Peraca and Diego Fallas Padilla and Han Pu … Show more authors
Kenji Hayashida and Takuma Makihara and Nicolas Marquez Peraca and Diego Fallas Padilla and Han Pu and Junichiro Kono and Motoaki Bamba Hide authors
Scientific Reports 13 ( 1 ) 2023.2 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media {LLC} Single Work
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Some of the most exotic properties of the quantum vacuum are predicted in ultrastrongly coupled photon–atom systems; one such property is quantum squeezing leading to suppressed quantum fluctuations of photons and atoms. This squeezing is unique because (1) it is realized in the ground state of the system and does not require external driving, and (2) the squeezing can be perfect in the sense that quantum fluctuations of certain observables are completely suppressed. Specifically, we investigate the ground state of the Dicke model, which describes atoms collectively coupled to a single photonic mode, and we found that the photon–atom fluctuation vanishes at the onset of the superradiant phase transition in the thermodynamic limit of an infinite number of atoms. Moreover, when a finite number of atoms is considered, the variance of the fluctuation around the critical point asymptotically converges to zero, as the number of atoms is increased. In contrast to the squeezed states of flying photons obtained using standard generation protocols with external driving, the squeezing obtained in the ground state of the ultrastrongly coupled photon–atom systems is resilient against unpredictable noise.</jats:p>
Magnonic superradiant phase transition
Bamba Motoaki, Li Xinwei, Peraca Nicolas Marquez, Kono Junichiro
Communications Physics 5 ( 1 ) 2022.1 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Joint Work
Ultrastrong magnon-magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions
Makihara Takuma, Hayashida Kenji, Noe G. Timothy II, Li Xinwei, Peraca Nicolas Marquez, Ma Xiaoxuan … Show more authors
Makihara Takuma, Hayashida Kenji, Noe G. Timothy II, Li Xinwei, Peraca Nicolas Marquez, Ma Xiaoxuan, Jin Zuanming, Ren Wei, Ma Guohong, Katayama Ikufumi, Takeda Jun, Nojiri Hiroyuki, Turchinovich Dmitry, Cao Shixun, Bamba Motoaki, Kono Junichiro Hide authors
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 12 ( 1 ) 2021.5 [Reviewed]
DOI Web of Science PubMed arXiv
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media {LLC} Joint Work
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Exotic quantum vacuum phenomena are predicted in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems with ultrastrong light-matter interactions. Their ground states are predicted to be vacuum squeezed states with suppressed quantum fluctuations owing to antiresonant terms in the Hamiltonian. However, such predictions have not been realized because antiresonant interactions are typically negligible compared to resonant interactions in light-matter systems. Here we report an unusual, ultrastrongly coupled matter-matter system of magnons that is analytically described by a unique Hamiltonian in which the relative importance of resonant and antiresonant interactions can be easily tuned and the latter can be made vastly dominant. We found a regime where vacuum Bloch-Siegert shifts, the hallmark of antiresonant interactions, greatly exceed analogous frequency shifts from resonant interactions. Further, we theoretically explored the system’s ground state and calculated up to 5.9 dB of quantum fluctuation suppression. These observations demonstrate that magnonic systems provide an ideal platform for exploring exotic quantum vacuum phenomena predicted in ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems.</jats:p>
Other Link:
Spacetime-localized response in quantum critical spin systems: Insights from holography
Motoaki Bamba, Koji Hashimoto, Keiju Murata, Daichi Takeda, and Daisuke Yamamoto
Physical Review D 109 ( 12 ) 126003 2024.6 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Single Work
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Thermal Photons and Non-Equilibrium Magnons
Bamba Motoaki
Butsuri 79 ( 2 ) 63 - 67 2024.2 [Reviewed] [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan Single Work
<p>Magnon-mediated Dicke cooperativity has been observed in ErFeO<sub>3</sub>. A superradiant phase transition by ultrastrong magnon–spin coupling has also been confirmed. The low-temperature phase transition in ErFeO<sub>3</sub> would be a key phenomenon bridging the thermal-equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics.</p><p>Magnon-mediated Dicke cooperativity has been observed in ErFeO<sub>3</sub>. A superradiant phase transition by ultrastrong magnon–spin coupling has also been confirmed. The low-temperature phase transition in ErFeO<sub>3</sub> would be a key phenomenon bridging the thermal-equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics.</p>
化学 78 ( 8 ) 11 - 11 2023.8
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:岩波書店 Joint Work
Our Voice and Our Ears-NPO for the Advancement of Science from Japan
BAMBA Motoaki
Butsuri 78 ( 3 ) 152 - 153 2023.3 [Reviewed] [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan Single Work
Other Link:
Quantum Simulation of an Extended Dicke Model with a Magnetic Solid
Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Xinwei Li, Jaime M. Moya, Kenji Hayashida, Xiaoxuan Ma, Kelly J. Neubauer, … Show more authors
Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Xinwei Li, Jaime M. Moya, Kenji Hayashida, Xiaoxuan Ma, Kelly J. Neubauer, Diego Fallas Padilla, Chien-Lung Huang, Pengcheng Dai, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy, Han Pu, Emilia Morosan, Shixun Cao, Motoaki Bamba, Junichiro Kono Hide authors
arXiv 2023.2
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:arXiv Joint Work
春日匠, 馬場基彰
科学 92 ( 5 ) 398 - 400 2022.5
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:岩波書店 Joint Work
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
Top Peer Reviewer 2019, Top 1% of reviewers in Physics
2019.9 Web of Science
Individual or group name of awards:Motoaki BAMBA
Publons Peer Review Awards 2018, Top 1% of reviewers in Physics
2018.9 Web of Science
Individual or group name of awards:Motoaki BAMBA
Research Award
2018.2 Research Foundation for Opto-Science and Technology
Individual or group name of awards:BAMBA Motoaki
11th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 5: Optical Properties of Condensed Matter)
2017.3 The Physical Society of Japan Superposition of light in free space and localized matters
Individual or group name of awards:BAMBA Motoaki
11th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 1: Atomic and Molecular physics, Quantum Electronics, Radiation)
2017.3 The Physical Society of Japan Theoretical studies on the ultrastrong light matter coupling
Individual or group name of awards:BAMBA Motoaki
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Thermal-equilibrium quantum squeezing by superradiant phase transition: For its observation
Grant number:24K21526 2024.6 - 2027.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research - KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Investigator(s):Motoaki BAMBA
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Macroscopic quantum theory for quantum condensations in non-equilibrium composite systems
Grant number:26287087 2014.4 - 2018.3
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Investigator(s):OGAWA Tetsuo
Authorship:Coinvestigator(s) Grant type:Competitive
Ultrastrong coupling of light and matter: Lasing of nonclassical states
Grant number:12J00632 2012.4 - 2015.3
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Investigator(s):BAMBA Motoaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:07J00997 2007.4 - 2009.3
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Investigator(s):BAMBA Motoaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Other external funds procured 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:JPMJPR1767 2017.10 - 2021.3
Japan Science and Technology Agency Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO)
Investigator(s):BAMBA Motoaki
Authorship:Principal investigator
In order to push the frontier of quantum technologies into the real societies, we try to establish a strategy for overcoming the trade-off between controlling and protecting quantum states. In contrast to the conventional way relying on the suppression of decoherence sources in fabrication processes, we artificially cause a phase transition of environment incorporating the decoherence sources, which are expected to be pinned by a spontaneously appeared field and an engineered energy gap in the environment, while keeping quantum-bits unchanged.
2025.1 - 2026.12
Private Foundations 光科学技術研究振興財団研究助成事業
Authorship:Principal investigator
現在,研究協力者らと共に,京都大学およびアメリカRice大学において,量子ゆらぎの測定装置を構築中である.それらと並行して,熱平衡下の量子スクイージングを観測するために最も適した物質を本研究によって理論的に探索・設計することで,熱平衡下の量子スクイージングの世界初観測を試みる. -
Japan-US Network for Clean Energy Technologies Involving Oriented Nanotubes (JUNCTION)
Grant number:JPJSJRP2022120 2023.1 - 2025.12
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology JSPS-NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE Program)
Investigator(s):Kazuhiro Yanagi
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
馬場基彰 [Invited]
第9回フォトニクスワークショップ「光で探る多彩な未来図!」 2024.11 応用物理学会フォトニクス分科会
Event date: 2024.11
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
馬場基彰 [Invited]
非平衡固体物性の最前線2024 2024.11 辻直人, 高吉慎太郎, 村上雄太, 鈴木剛, 内田健人
Event date: 2024.11
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Venue:京都大学 北部キャンパス 理学研究科セミナーハウス
17aPS-45 Strained Ge量子井戸による超放射相転移の発現可能性について
中尾太一, 馬場基彰
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.9 日本物理学会
Event date: 2024.9
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
Venue:北海道大学 札幌キャンパス
17aPS-48 超強結合下の Dicke モデルにおけるレーザー発振と超放射相転移
平田祐樹, 馬場基彰
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.9 日本物理学会
Event date: 2024.9
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
Venue:北海道大学 札幌キャンパス
17aPS-69 固体中サブテラヘルツゆらぎの時間相関測定系の構築
古川貴也, 内田健人, 栗原貴之, 馬場基彰, 田中耕一郎
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.9 日本物理学会
Event date: 2024.9
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
Venue:北海道大学 札幌キャンパス
Charge of on-campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
2024 Solid State Physics 1
College of Engineering Science
2024 Mathematics for Physics
College of Engineering Science
2024 Solid State Physics
College of Engineering Science
2024 Advanced Theory of Light-Matter Interaction
Graduate school of Engineering Science
2024 Current Topics in Physics Frontier
Graduate school of Engineering Science
Charge of off-campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
2015.4 - 2019.9 Institution:大阪大学
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP)
2023.4 Science and Technology Expert
Committee type:Government
Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS)
2021.11 Board member
Committee type:Academic society
Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS)
2021.11 - 2022.7 President
Committee type:Academic society
The Preparation Committee of Japanese Association for Advancement of Science
2020.11 - 2022.6 Chairperson
Committee type:Academic society
The Physical Society of Japan
2017.4 - 2018.3 Committee in Division 5
Committee type:Academic society
Social Contribution(Extension lecture) 【 display / non-display 】
GENSEKI 2022 The Final
Role(s): Commentator
学生団体BEAST GENSEKI 2022 日本科学未来館 2023.2
Audience: Schoolchildren, Junior high school students, High school students, University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians, Researchers, General public, Company
Type:Seminar, workshop
【京大准教授が語る】「光相転移」の魅力とは!?気になるヨーロッパの研究環境も紹介!(馬場基彰先生)- 第2回突撃隣の研究室!
Role(s): Guest
学生コミュニティミツバチ 突撃隣の研究室! YouTube 2021.12
Audience: Schoolchildren, Junior high school students, High school students, University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians
CAREER ONLINE EVENT for Researchers and Candidates
Role(s): Guest, Panelist
BEAST オンライン 2021.11
Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians, General public
Type:Seminar, workshop
Role(s): Guest, Panelist
科学技術振興機構(JST) サイエンスアゴラ2021 2021.11
Type:Seminar, workshop
いくつかの組織からゲストをお招きして、これらの解決策を講じ、知の在り方を探ります。 -
集合知ネットワークの構築に向けて -効果的連携のあり方を探る-
Role(s): Guest
科学技術振興機構(JST) サイエンスアゴラ2020 2020.11
Type:Seminar, workshop
ヒトが人であるがゆえに起こっている課題について解を見出すための一つの方法は「対話」ではないだろうか。 他者と経験を共にすることで自覚的価値が得られ、個人が知り得る情報範囲をつながることによって乗り越えられる。 21世紀型精神活動の現れとして本提案事業であるインクルーシブな学術的交流の機会の構築をめざし、様々な活動をされている方々にお集まりいただき、 効果的進め方を模索し、実装の足がかりとする。
Media Coverage 【 display / non-display 】
科学スコープ 日本の科学を元気にしたい 研究者らがNPO法人設立 馬場・京大特定准教授が代表理事 情報発信や政策提言も
京都新聞社 京都新聞 夕刊2ページ(科学スコープ) 2022.7
Academic Activities 【 display / non-display 】
The International Workshop on Quantum Vacuum in Matter
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
Hanyu Zhu ( Rice University, Houston, TX, USA ) 2023.10
Type:Academic society, research group, etc.
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
光物性研究会 ( Zoom ) 2020.12
Type:Academic society, research group, etc.
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
光科学若手研究会 ( 大阪府立大学 I-site なんば ) 2019.11
Type:Academic society, research group, etc.
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
応用物理学会 量子エレクトロニクス研究会 ( 上智大学軽井沢セミナーハウス ) 2017.4
Type:Academic society, research group, etc.
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
光科学若手研究会 ( 立命館大学 大阪茨木キャンパス ) 2016.4
Type:Academic society, research group, etc.