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Potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for studying the young nearby supernova remnants
Dmitry A Prokhorov,Shiu-Hang Lee,Shigehiro Nagataki,Jacco Vink,Donald Ellison,Gilles Ferrand,Daniel … 全著者表示
Dmitry A Prokhorov,Shiu-Hang Lee,Shigehiro Nagataki,Jacco Vink,Donald Ellison,Gilles Ferrand,Daniel Patnaude,Friedrich Roepke,Ivo Seitenzahl,Patrick Slane,Kazuki Abe,Shotaro Abe,Atreya Acharyya,Remi Adam,Arnau Aguasca-Cabot,Ivan Agudo,Jorge Alfaro,Nuria Alvarez-Crespo,Rafael Alves Batista,Jean-Philippe Amans,Elena Amato,Filippo Ambrosino,Ekrem Oguzhan Angüner,Lucio Angelo Antonelli,Carla Aramo,Cornelia Arcaro,Luisa Arrabito,Katsuaki Asano,Jann Aschersleben,Halim Ashkar,Luiz Augusto Stuani,Dominik Baack,Michael Backes,Csaba Balazs,Matteo Balbo,Andres Baquero Larriva,Victor Barbosa Martins,Ulisses Barres de Almeida,Juan Abel Barrio,Denis Bastieri,Pedro Ivo Batista,Ivana Batković,Rowan William Batzofin,Joshua Ryo Baxter,Geoffrey Beck,Julia Becker Tjus,Lukas Beiske,Daniele Belardinelli,Wystan Benbow,Elisa Bernardini,Juan Bernete Medrano,Konrad Bernlöhr,Alessio Berti,Vasyl Beshley,Pooja Bhattacharjee,Saptashwa Bhattacharyya,Baiyang Bi,Noah Biederbeck,Adrian Biland,Elisabetta Bissaldi,Oscar Blanch,Jiri Blazek,Catherine Boisson,Julien Bolmont,Giacomo Bonnoli,Pol Bordas,Željka Bošnjak,Federica Bradascio,Catherine Braiding,Ettore Bronzini,Robert Brose,Anthony M. Brown,Francois Brun,Giulia Brunelli,Andrea Bulgarelli,Irene Burelli,Leonid Burmistrov,Michael Burton,Tomas Bylund,Paolo Gherardo Calisse,Anna Campoy-Ordaz,Brandon Khan Cantlay,Milvia Capalbi,Anderson Caproni,Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta,Colin Carlile,Sami Caroff,Alessandro Carosi,Roberto Carosi,Marie-Sophie Carrasco,Enrico Cascone,Franca Cassol,Noelia Castrejon,Fernando Catalani,Davide Cerasole,Matteo Cerruti,Sylvain Chaty,Andrew W Chen,Maria Chernyakova,Andrea Chiavassa,Jiří Chudoba,Carlos Henrique Coimbra Araujo,Vito Conforti,Francesco Conte,Jose Luis Contreras,Christophe Cossou,Alessandro Costa,Heide Costantini,Pierre Cristofari,Omar Cuevas,Zachary Curtis-Ginsberg,Giacomo D'Amico,Filippo D'Ammando,Mauro Dadina,Mykhailo Dalchenko,Ludovic David,Isak Delberth Davids,Francesco Dazzi,Alessandro De Angelis,Mathieu de Bony de Lavergne,Vincenzo De Caprio,Giovanni De Cesare,Elisabete M. de Gouveia Dal Pino,Barbara De Lotto,Mario de Lucia,Raniere de Menezes,Mathieu de Naurois,Emma de Oña Wilhelmi,Nicola De Simone,Vitor de Souza,Luis Del Peral,Maria Victoria del Valle,Eric Delagnes,Andres Gabriel Delgado Giler,Carlos Delgado,Michael Dell'aiera,Roberto Della Ceca,Massimo Della Valle,Domenico Della Volpe,Davide Depaoli,Antonios Dettlaff,Tristano Di Girolamo,Ambra Di Piano,Federico Di Pierro,Riccardo Di Tria,Leonardo Di Venere,Christian Díaz-Bahamondes,Claudio Dib,Sebastian Diebold,Razvan Dima,Adithiya Dinesh,Arache Djannati-Ataï,Julia Isabel Djuvsland,Alberto Dominguez,Rune Michael Dominik,Alice Donini,Daniela Dorner,Julien Dörner,Michele Doro,Rita de Cassia dos Anjos,Jean-Laurent Dournaux,Dainis Dravins,Chaimongkol Duangchan,Coline Dubos,Lozenzo Ducci,Vikram V. Dwarkadas,Jan Ebr,Christopher Eckner,Kathrin Egberts,Sabrina Einecke,Dominik Elsässer,Gabriel Emery,Miguel Escobar Godoy,Juan Escudero,Paolo Esposito,Diego Falceta-Gonçalves,Vandad Fallah Ramazani,Alice Faure,Elena Fedorova,Stephen Fegan,Kirsty Feijen,Qi Feng,Fabio Ferrarotto,Emanuele Fiandrini,Armand Fiasson,Valentina Fioretti,Luca Foffano,Lluis Font Guiteras,Gerard Fontaine,Stefan Fröse,Satoshi Fukami,Yasuo Fukui,Stefan Funk,Daniele Gaggero,Giorgio Galanti,Gaspar Galaz,Yves A. Gallant,Stefano Gallozzi,Viviana Gammaldi,Claudio Gasbarra,Markus Gaug,Arsen Ghalumyan,Fulvio Gianotti,Marina Giarrusso,Nicola Giglietto,Francesco Giordano,Andrea Giuliani,Jean-Francois Glicenstein,Jonas Glombitza,Paolo Goldoni,José Mauricio González,Maria Magdalena González,Jaziel Goulart Coelho,Jonathan Granot,Dario Grasso,Roger Grau,David Green,Jarred Gershon Green,Tim Greenshaw,Guillaume Grolleron,Jeff Grube,Orel Gueta,Shuichi Gunji,Daniela Hadasch,Petr Hamal,William Hanlon,Satoshi Hara,Violet M. Harvey,Kazuaki Hashiyama,Tarek Hassan,Matthieu Heller,Sergio Hernández Cadena,Jonathan Hie,Nagisa Hiroshima,Bohdan Hnatyk,Roman Hnatyk,Dirk Hoffmann,Werner Hofmann,Markus Holler,Deirdre Horan,Pavel Horvath,Talvikki Hovatta,Dario Hrupec,Saqib Hussain,Marco Iarlori,Tomohiro Inada,Federico Incardona,Yusuke Inome,Susumu Inoue,Fabio Iocco,Kazuma Ishio,Marek Jamrozy,Petr Janecek,Felix Jankowsky,Christian Jarnot,Pierre Jean,Irene Jiménez Martínez,Weidong Jin,Laurent Jocou,Claire Juramy-Gilles,Jakub Jurysek,Oleg KALEKIN,Dimitrios Kantzas,Vladimir Karas,Sarah Kaufmann,Daniel Kerszberg,Bruno Khelifi,David B Kieda,Tobias Kai Kleiner,Włodzimierz Kluźniak,Yukiho Kobayashi,Kazunori Kohri,Nukri Komin,Paula Kornecki,Karl Kosack,Hidetoshi Kubo,Junko Kushida,Antonino La Barbera,Nicola La Palombara,Maria Lainez,Alessandra Lamastra,Jon S Lapington,Sanja Lazarevic,Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway,Steven Leach,Marianne Lemoine-Goumard,Jean-Philippe Lenain,Giuseppe Leto,Fabian Leuschner,Elina Lindfors,Maximilian Linhoff,Ioannis Liodakis,Lozach Loïc,Saverio Lombardi,Francesco Longo,Rubén López-Coto,Marcos López-Moya,Alicia López-Oramas,Serena Loporchio,Julio Lozano Bahilo,Pedro L. Luque-Escamilla,Oscar Macias,Gernot Maier,Pratik Majumdar,Denys Malyshev,Dmitry Malyshev,Dusan Mandat,Giulio Manicò,Peter David Marinos,Sera Markoff,Isabel Márquez,Patricia Marquez,Giovanni Marsella,Josep Martí,Pierrick Martin,Gustavo Augusto Martínez,Manel Martínez,Oibar Martinez,Christophe Marty,Alvaro Mas-Aguilar,Michele Mastropietro,Gilles Maurin,Walter Max-Moerbeck,Daniel Mazin,David Melkumyan,Stefano Menchiari,Enrique Mestre,Jean-Luc Meunier,Dominique M.-A. Meyer,Davide Miceli,Miltiadis Michailidis,Jerzy Michałowski,Tjark Miener,Jose Miguel Miranda,Alison Mitchell,Masaya Mizote,Tsunefumi Mizuno,Rafal Moderski,Lars Mohrmann,Miguel Molero,Cesare Molfese,Edgar Molina,Teresa Montaruli,Abelardo Moralejo,Daniel Morcuende,Katharina Morik,Aldo Morselli,Emmanuel Moulin,Victor Moya Zamanillo,Reshmi Mukherjee,Kevin Munari,Adam Muraczewski,Hiroshi Muraishi,Takeshi Nakamori,Lara Nava,Amrit Nayak,Rodrigo Nemmen,Lukas Nickel,Jacek Niemiec,Daniel Nieto,Mireia Nievas Rosillo,Marek Nikołajuk,Kyoshi Nishijima,Koji Noda,Dalibor Nosek,Bohdan Novosyadlyj,Vladimír Novotný,Seiya Nozaki,Paul O'Brien,Michiko Ohishi,Yoshiki Ohtani,Akira Okumura,Jean-François Olive,Barbara Olmi,Rene A. Ong,Monica Orienti,Reiko Orito,Mauro Orlandini,Elena Orlando,Michal Ostrowski,Nepomuk Otte,Igor Oya,Isabella Pagano,Antonio Pagliaro,Michele Palatiello,Gabriele Panebianco,Josep M. Paredes,Nicolò Parmiggiani,Sonal Ramesh Patel,Barbara Patricelli,Dijana Pavlović,Asaf Pe'er,Miroslav Pech,Mario Pecimotika,Michele Peresano,Judit Pérez-Romero,Giada Peron,Massimo Persic,Pierre-Olivier Petrucci,Oleh Petruk,Felix Pfeifle,Fabio Pintore,Giorgio Pirola,Carlotta Pittori,Cyann Plard,Franjo Podobnik,Martin Pohl,Estelle Pons,Elisa Prandini,Julie Prast,Giacomo Principe,Chaitanya Priyadarshi,Nicolas Produit,Elisa Pueschel,Gerd Pühlhofer,Maria Letizia Pumo,Michael Punch,Andreas Quirrenbach,Silvia Raino,Nunzio Randazzo,Riccardo Rando,Thierry Ravel,Soebur Razzaque,Maxime Regeard,Patrick Reichherzer,Anita Reimer,Olaf Reimer,Andreas Reisenegger,Thierry Reposeur,Brian Reville,Wolfgang Rhode,Marc Ribó,Tom Richtler,Frank Rieger,Emmet Roache,Gonzalo Rodriguez Fernandez,Maria Dolores Rodríguez Frías,Juan José Rodríguez-Vázquez,Patrizia Romano,Giuseppe Romeo,Jaime Rosado,Gavin P Rowell,Bronislaw Rudak,Ashley J. Ruiter,Cameron Boyd Rulten,Federico Russo,Iftach Sadeh,Lab Saha,Takayuki Saito,Shunsuke Sakurai,Heiko Salzmann,David Sanchez,Miguel Sanchez-Conde,Pierluca Sangiorgi,Hidetoshi Sano,Marcos Santander,Andrea Santangelo,Reinaldo Santos-Lima,Andreu Sanuy,Toni Šarić,Arkadipta Sarkar,Subir Sarkar,Francesco Gabriele Saturni,Volodymyr Savchenko,Andres Scherer,Pietro Schipani,Bernd Schleicher,Petr Schovanek,Jan Lukas Schubert,Fabian Schüssler,Ullrich Schwanke,Georg Schwefer,Salvatore Scuderi,Monica Seglar Arroyo,Olga Sergijenko,Vito Sguera,Ruo Yu Shang,Pooja Sharma,Guereguin Der Sylvestre Sidibe,Lara Sidoli,Hubert Siejkowski,Clarissa Siqueira,Patrick Sizun,Vitalii Sliusar,Agnieszka Slowikowska,Helene Sol,Andreas Specovius,Samuel Timothy Spencer,Daniele Spiga,Antonio Stamerra,Samo Stanič,Tomasz Starecki,Rhaana Starling,Constantin Steppa,Thierry Stolarczyk,Jelena Strišković,Marcel C. Strzys,Yusuke Suda,Tiina Suomijarvi,Donggeun Tak,Mitsunari Takahashi,Ryuji Takeishi,Pak-Hin Thomas Tam,Shuta J Tanaka,Takaaki Tanaka,Kenta Terauchi,Vincenzo Testa,Luigi Tibaldo,Omar Tibolla,Francesc Torradeflot,Diego F. Torres,Eleonora Torresi,Nick Tothill,Francois Toussenel,Victoria Touzard,Andrea Tramacere,Petr Travnicek,Giovanni Tripodo,Stefano Truzzi,Adellain Tsiahina,Antonio Tutone,Martin Vacula,Bertrand Vallage,Piero Vallania,Ramon Vallés,Christopher van Eldik,Juliane van Scherpenberg,Justin Vandenbroucke,Vladimir Vassiliev,Philippe Venault,Sofia Ventura,Stefano Vercellone,Gaia Verna,Aion Viana,Nicolás Viaux,Alessandro Vigliano,Jonatan Vignatti,Carlo francesco Vigorito,Vincenzo Vitale,Veronika Vodeb,Vincent Voisin,Serguei Vorobiov,Georgios Gerasimos Voutsinas,Ievgen Vovk,Vincent Waegebaert,Stefan Joachim Wagner,Roland Walter,Martin Ward,Maneenate Wechakama,Richard White,Alicja Wierzcholska,Martin Will,David A. Williams,Frederik Wohlleben,Anna Wolter,Tokonatsu Yamamoto,Ryo Yamazaki,Lili Yang,Tatsuo Yoshida,Takanori Yoshikoshi,Michael Zacharias,Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez,Danilo Zavrtanik,Marko Zavrtanik,Andrzej A. Zdziarski,Andreas Zech,Valery I. Zhdanov,Krzysztof Ziȩtara,Miha Živec,Jaume Zuriaga-Puig] 閉じる
Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2023) 2023年8月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:Sissa Medialab 共著
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to TeV photon emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud
Acharyya , A.,Adam , R.,Aguasca-Cabot , A.,Agudo , I.,Aguirre-Santaella , A.,Alfaro , J.,Aloisio , … 全著者表示
Acharyya , A.,Adam , R.,Aguasca-Cabot , A.,Agudo , I.,Aguirre-Santaella , A.,Alfaro , J.,Aloisio , R.,Alves Batista , R.,Amato , E.,Angüner , E. O.,Aramo , C.,Arcaro , C.,Asano , K.,Aschersleben , J.,Ashkar , H.,Backes , M.,Baktash , A.,Balazs , C.,Balbo , M.,Ballet , J.,Bamba , A.,Baquero Larriva , A.,Barbosa Martins , V.,Barres de Almeida , U.,Barrio , J. A.,Bastieri , D.,Batista , P.,Batkovic , I.,Baxter , J. R.,Becerra González , J.,Becker Tjus , J.,Benbow , W.,Bernardini , E.,Bernardos Martín , M. I.,Bernete Medrano , J.,Berti , A.,Bertucci , B.,Beshley , V.,Bhattacharjee , P.,Bhattacharyya , S.,Bigongiari , C.,Biland , A.,Bissaldi , E.,Bocchino , F.,Bordas , P.,Borkowski , J.,Bottacini , E.,Böttcher , M.,Bradascio , F.,Brown , A. M.,Bulgarelli , A.,Burmistrov , L.,Caroff , S.,Carosi , A.,Carquín , E.,Casanova , S.,Cascone , E.,Cassol , F.,Cerruti , M.,Chadwick , P.,Chaty , S.,Chen , A.,Chiavassa , A.,Chytka , L.,Conforti , V.,Cortina , J.,Costa , A.,Costantini , H.,Cotter , G.,Crestan , S.,Cristofari , P.,D'Ammando , F.,Dalchenko , M.,Dazzi , F.,De Angelis , A.,De Caprio , V.,de Gouveia Dal Pino , E. M.,De Martino , D.,de Naurois , M.,de Souza , V.,del Valle , M. V.,Delgado Giler , A. G.,Delgado , C.,della Volpe , D.,Depaoli , D.,Di Girolamo , T.,Di Piano , A.,Di Pierro , F.,Di Tria , R.,Di Venere , L.,Diebold , S.,Doro , M.,Dumora , D.,Dwarkadas , V. V.,Eckner , C.,Egberts , K.,Emery , G.,Escudero , J.,Falceta-Goncalves , D.,Fedorova , E.,Fegan , S.,Feng , Q.,Ferenc , D.,Ferrand , G.,Fiandrini , E.,Filipovic , M.,Fioretti , V.,Foffano , L.,Fontaine , G.,Fukui , Y.,Gaggero , D.,Galanti , G.,Galaz , G.,Gallozzi , S.,Gammaldi , V.,Garczarczyk , M.,Gasbarra , C.,Gasparrini , D.,Ghalumyan , A.,Giarrusso , M.,Giavitto , G.,Giglietto , N.,Giordano , F.,Giuliani , A.,Glicenstein , J. -F.,Goldoni , P.,Coelho , J. Goulart,Granot , J.,Green , D.,Green , J. G.,Grondin , M. -H.,Gueta , O.,Hadasch , D.,Hamal , P.,Hassan , T.,Hayashi , K.,Heller , M.,Hernández Cadena , S.,Hiroshima , N.,Hnatyk , B.,Hnatyk , R.,Hofmann , W.,Holder , J.,Holler , M.,Horan , D.,Horvath , P.,Hrabovsky , M.,Hütten , M.,Iarlori , M.,Inada , T.,Incardona , F.,Inoue , S.,Iocco , F.,Jamrozy , M.,Jin , W.,Jung-Richardt , I.,Juryšek , J.,Kantzas , D.,Karas , V.,Katagiri , H.,Kerszberg , D.,Knödlseder , J.,Komin , N.,Kornecki , P.,Kosack , K.,Kowal , G.,Kubo , H.,Lamastra , A.,Lapington , J.,Lemoine-Goumard , M.,Lenain , J. -P.,Leone , F.,Leto , G.,Leuschner , F.,Lindfors , E.,Lohse , T.,Lombardi , S.,Longo , F.,López-Coto , R.,López-Oramas , A.,Loporchio , S.,Luque-Escamilla , P. L.,Macias , O.,Majumdar , P.,Mandat , D.,Mangano , S.,Manicò , G.,Mariotti , M.,Marquez , P.,Marsella , G.,Martí , J.,Martin , P.,Martínez , M.,Mazin , D.,Menchiari , S.,Meyer , D. M. -A.,Miceli , D.,Miceli , M.,Michałowski , J.,Mitchell , A.,Moderski , R.,Mohrmann , L.,Molero , M.,Molina , E.,Montaruli , T.,Moralejo , A.,Morcuende , D.,Morselli , A.,Moulin , E.,Moya , V.,Mukherjee , R.,Munari , K.,Muraczewski , A.,Nagataki , S.,Nakamori , T.,Nayak , A.,Niemiec , J.,Nievas , M.,Nikołajuk , M.,Nishijima , K.,Noda , K.,Nosek , D.,Novosyadlyj , B.,Nozaki , S.,Ohishi , M.,Ohm , S.,Okumura , A.,Olmi , B.,Ong , R. A.,Orienti , M.,Orito , R.,Orlandini , M.,Orlando , E.,Orlando , S.,Ostrowski , M.,Oya , I.,Pagliaro , A.,Palatka , M.,Pantaleo , F. R.,Paoletti , R.,Paredes , J. M.,Parmiggiani , N.,Patricelli , B.,Pech , M.,Pecimotika , M.,Persic , M.,Petruk , O.,Pierre , E.,Pietropaolo , E.,Pirola , G.,Pohl , M.,Prandini , E.,Priyadarshi , C.,Pühlhofer , G.,Pumo , M. L.,Punch , M.,Queiroz , F. S.,Quirrenbach , A.,Rainò , S.,Rando , R.,Razzaque , S.,Reimer , A.,Reimer , O.,Reposeur , T.,Ribó , M.,Richtler , T.,Rico , J.,Rieger , F.,Rigoselli , M.,Rizi , V.,Roache , E.,Rodriguez Fernandez , G.,Romano , P.,Romeo , G.,Rosado , J.,Rosales de Leon , A.,Rudak , B.,Rulten , C.,Sadeh , I.,Saito , T.,Sánchez-Conde , M.,Sano , H.,Santangelo , A.,Santos-Lima , R.,Sarkar , S.,Saturni , F. G.,Scherer , A.,Schovanek , P.,Schussler , F.,Schwanke , U.,Sergijenko , O.,Servillat , M.,Siejkowski , H.,Siqueira , C.,Spencer , S.,Stamerra , A.,Stanič , S.,Steppa , C.,Stolarczyk , T.,Suda , Y.,Tavernier , T.,Teshima , M.,Tibaldo , L.,Torres , D. F.,Tothill , N.,Vacula , M.,Vallage , B.,Vallania , P.,van Eldik , C.,Vázquez Acosta , M.,Vecchi , M.,Ventura , S.,Vercellone , S.,Viana , A.,Vigorito , C. F.,Vink , J.,Vitale , V.,Vodeb , V.,Vorobiov , S.,Vuillaume , T.,Wagner , S. J.,Walter , R.,White , M.,Wierzcholska , A.,Will , M.,Yamazaki , R.,Yang , L.,Yoshikoshi , T.,Zacharias , M.,Zaharijas , G.,Zavrtanik , D.,Zavrtanik , M.,Zdziarski , A. A.,Zhdanov , V. I.,Ziętara , K.,Živec , M. 閉じる
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523 ( 4 ) 5353 - 5387 2023年5月 [査読有り]
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press (OUP) 共著
A deep survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud at ~0.1-100 TeV photon energies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array is planned. We assess the detection prospects based on a model for the emission of the galaxy, comprising the four known TeV emitters, mock populations of sources, and interstellar emission on galactic scales. We also assess the detectability of 30 Doradus and SN 1987A, and the constraints that can be derived on the nature of dark matter. The survey will allow for fine spectral studies of N 157B, N 132D, LMC P3, and 30 Doradus C, and half a dozen other sources should be revealed, mainly pulsar-powered objects. The remnant from SN 1987A could be detected if it produces cosmic-ray nuclei with a flat power-law spectrum at high energies, or with a steeper index 2.3-2.4 pending a flux increase by a factor >3-4 over ~2015-2035. Large-scale interstellar emission remains mostly out of reach of the survey if its >10 GeV spectrum has a soft photon index ~2.7, but degree-scale 0.1-10 TeV pion-decay emission could be detected if the cosmic-ray spectrum hardens above >100 GeV. The 30 Doradus star-forming region is detectable if acceleration efficiency is on the order of 1 - 10 per cent of the mechanical luminosity and diffusion is suppressed by two orders of magnitude within <100 pc. Finally, the survey could probe the canonical velocity-averaged cross section for self-annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles for cuspy Navarro-Frenk-White profiles....
その他リンク: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/advance-article-pdf/doi/10.1093/mnras/stad1576/50461207/stad1576.pdf
H. Abe,S. Abe,V.A. Acciari,T. Aniello,S. Ansoldi,L.A. Antonelli,A. Arbet Engels,C. Arcaro,M. Artero … 全著者表示
H. Abe,S. Abe,V.A. Acciari,T. Aniello,S. Ansoldi,L.A. Antonelli,A. Arbet Engels,C. Arcaro,M. Artero,K. Asano,D. Baack,A. Babić,A. Baquero,U. Barres de Almeida,J.A. Barrio,I. Batković,J. Baxter,J. Becerra González,W. Bednarek,E. Bernardini,M. Bernardos,A. Berti,J. Besenrieder,W. Bhattacharyya,C. Bigongiari,A. Biland,O. Blanch,G. Bonnoli,Ž. Bošnjak,I. Burelli,G. Busetto,R. Carosi,M. Carretero-Castrillo,G. Ceribella,Y. Chai,A. Chilingarian,S. Cikota,E. Colombo,J.L. Contreras,J. Cortina,S. Covino,G. D’Amico,V. D’Elia,P. Da Vela,F. Dazzi,A. De Angelis,B. De Lotto,A. Del Popolo,M. Delfino,J. Delgado,C. Delgado Mendez,D. Depaoli,F. Di Pierro,L. Di Venere,E. Do Souto Espiñeira,D. Dominis Prester,A. Donini,D. Dorner,M. Doro,D. Elsaesser,G. Emery,V. Fallah Ramazani,L. Fariña,A. Fattorini,L. Font,C. Fruck,S. Fukami,Y. Fukazawa,R.J. García López,M. Garczarczyk,S. Gasparyan,M. Gaug,J.G. Giesbrecht Paiva,N. Giglietto,F. Giordano,P. Gliwny,N. Godinović,J.G. Green,D. Green,D. Hadasch,A. Hahn,T. Hassan,L. Heckmann,J. Herrera,D. Hrupec,M. Hütten,R. Imazawa,T. Inada,R. Iotov,K. Ishio,I. Jiménez Martínez,J. Jormanainen,D. Kerszberg,Y. Kobayashi,H. Kubo,J. Kushida,A. Lamastra,D. Lelas,F.Leone,E. Lindfors,L. Linhoff,S. Lombardi,F. Longo,R. López-Coto,M. López-Moya,A. López-Oramas,S. Loporchio,A. Lorini,E. Lyard,B. Machado de Oliveira Fraga,P.Majumdar,M. Makariev,G. Maneva,N. Mang,M. Manganaro,S. Mangano,K.Mannheim,M. Mariotti,M.Martínez,A. Mas Aguilar,D.Mazin,S. Menchiari,S.Mender,S.Mićanović,D. Miceli,T.Miener,J.M.Miranda,R.Mirzoyan,E.Molina,H.A. Mondal,A.Moralejo,D.Morcuende,V.Moreno,T.Nakamori,C.Nanci,L.Nava,V.Neustroev,M.Nievas Rosillo,C. Nigro,K.Nilsson,K.Nishijima,T.Njoh Ekoume,K.Noda,S.Nozaki,Y.Ohtani,T.Oka,J.Otero-Santos,S.Paiano,M.Palatiello,D.Paneque,R.Paoletti,J.M.Paredes,L.Pavletić,M.Persic,M.Pihet,F.Podobnik,P.G.Prada Moroni,E.Prandini,G.Principe,C. Priyadarshi,I. Puljak,W. Rhode,M. Ribó,J. Rico,C. Righi,A. Rugliancich,N. Sahakyan,T. Saito,S. Sakurai,K. Satalecka,F. G. Saturni,B. Schleicher,K. Schmidt,F. Schmuckermaier,J. L. Schubert,T. Schweizer,J. Sitarek,V. Sliusar,D. Sobczynska,A. Spolon,A. Stamerra,J. Strišković,D. Strom,M. Strzys,Y. Suda,T. Surić,M. Takahashi,R. Takeishi,F. Tavecchio,P. Temnikov,K. Terauchi,T. Terzić,M. Teshima,L. Tosti,S. Truzzi,A. Tutone,S. Ubach,J. van Scherpenberg,M. Vazquez Acosta,S. Ventura,V. Verguilov,I. Viale,C. F. Vigorito,V. Vitale,I. Vovk,R. Walter,M. Will,C. Wunderlich,T. Yamamoto,D. Zarić,N. Hiroshima,K. Kohri 閉じる
Physical Review Letters 130 ( 6 ) 2023年2月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:American Physical Society (APS) 共著
その他リンク: https://link.aps.org/article/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.061002
Constraining the primordial curvature perturbation using dark matter substructure
Shin’ichiro Ando,Nagisa Hiroshima,Koji Ishiwata
Physical Review D 106 ( 10 ) 2022年11月 [査読有り]
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:American Physical Society (APS) 共著
その他リンク: https://link.aps.org/article/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.103014
Semi-analytical frameworks for subhaloes from the smallest to the largest scale
Nagisa Hiroshima,Shin’ichiro Ando,Tomoaki Ishiyama
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 ( 2 ) 2728 - 2737 2022年10月 [査読有り]
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press (OUP) 共著
Substructures of dark matter halo, called subhaloes, provide important clues to understand the nature of dark matter. We construct a useful model to describe the properties of subhalo mass functions based on the well-known analytical prescriptions, the extended Press–Schechter theory. The unevolved subhalo mass functions at arbitrary mass scales become describable without introducing free parameters. The different host halo evolution histories are directly recast to their subhalo mass functions. As applications, we quantify the effects from (i) the Poisson fluctuation, (ii) the host-mass scatter, and the (iii) different tidal evolution models on observables in the current Universe with this scheme. The Poisson fluctuation dominates in the number count of the mass ratio to the host of $ sim { cal O}(10^{-2})$, where the intrinsic scatter is smaller by a factor of a few. The host-mass scatter around its mean does not affect the subhalo mass function. Different models of the tidal evolution predict a factor of ∼2 difference in numbers of subhaloes with lesssim { cal O}(10^{-5}), while the dependence of the Poisson fluctuation on the tidal evolution models is subtle. The scheme provides a new tool for investigating the smallest scale structures of our Universe which are to be observed in near future experiments.その他リンク: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/advance-article-pdf/doi/10.1093/mnras/stac2857/46385435/stac2857.pdf
総説・解説記事等 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Search for heavy dark matter from dwarf spheroidal galaxies: leveraging cascades and subhalo models
Deheng Song,Nagisa Hiroshima,Kohta Murase
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024年1月 [査読有り]
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌) 共著
The Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) has been widely used to search for
Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) dark matter signals due to its
unparalleled sensitivity in the GeV energy band. The leading constraints for
WIMP by Fermi-LAT are obtained from the analyses of dwarf spheroidal galaxies
within the Local Group, which are compelling targets for dark matter searches
due to their relatively low astrophysical backgrounds and high dark matter
content. In the meantime, the search for heavy dark matter with masses above
TeV remains a compelling and relatively unexplored frontier. In this study, we
utilize 14-year Fermi-LAT data to search for dark matter annihilation and decay
signals in 8 classical dwarf spheroidal galaxies within the Local Group. We
consider secondary emission caused by electromagnetic cascades of prompt gamma
rays and electrons/positrons from dark matter, which enables us to extend the
search with Fermi-LAT to heavier dark matter cases. We also update the dark
matter subhalo model with informative priors respecting the fact that they
reside in subhalos of our Milky Way halo aiming to enhance the robustness of
our results. We place constraints on dark matter annihilation cross section and
decay lifetime for dark matter masses ranging from $10^3$ GeV to $10^{11}$ GeV,
where our limits are more stringent than those obtained by many other
high-energy gamma-ray instruments. -
Dark Matter Search with Cherenkov Telescope Array
Nagisa Hiroshima
34th conference in the Rencontres de Blois series 2023年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) 単著
Many models of dark matter (DM) are now widely considered and probed
intensively with accelerators, underground detectors, and astrophysical
experiments. Among the various approaches, high-energy astrophysical
observations are extremely useful to complement laboratory searches for some DM
candidates. In the near future, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) should
enable us to access much heavier weakly interacting massive particles, as well
as a broad range of other DM candidates. In this talk, we describe DM searches
with CTA. -
Constraining the primordial curvature perturbation using dark matter substructure
Shin’ichiro Ando,Nagisa Hiroshima,Koji Ishiwata
Physical Review D 106 ( 10 ) 2022年11月 [査読有り]
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:American Physical Society (APS) 共著
その他リンク: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.103014/fulltext
Semi-analytical frameworks for subhaloes from the smallest to the largest scale
Nagisa Hiroshima,Shin’ichiro Ando,Tomoaki Ishiyama
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 ( 2 ) 2728 - 2737 2022年10月 [査読有り]
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press (OUP) 共著
Substructures of dark matter halo, called subhaloes, provide important clues to understand the nature of dark matter. We construct a useful model to describe the properties of subhalo mass functions based on the well-known analytical prescriptions, the extended Press–Schechter theory. The unevolved subhalo mass functions at arbitrary mass scales become describable without introducing free parameters. The different host halo evolution histories are directly recast to their subhalo mass functions. As applications, we quantify the effects from (i) the Poisson fluctuation, (ii) the host-mass scatter, and the (iii) different tidal evolution models on observables in the current Universe with this scheme. The Poisson fluctuation dominates in the number count of the mass ratio to the host of $\sim {\cal O}(10^{-2})$, where the intrinsic scatter is smaller by a factor of a few. The host-mass scatter around its mean does not affect the subhalo mass function. Different models of the tidal evolution predict a factor of ∼2 difference in numbers of subhaloes with $\lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-5})$, while the dependence of the Poisson fluctuation on the tidal evolution models is subtle. The scheme provides a new tool for investigating the smallest scale structures of our Universe which are to be observed in near future experiments.その他リンク: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-pdf/517/2/2728/46561854/stac2857.pdf
Nagisa Hiroshima,Kazunori Kohri,Toyokazu Sekiguchi,Ryuichi Takahashi
Physical Review D 104 ( 8 ) 2021年10月 [査読有り]
担当区分:責任著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:American Physical Society (APS) 共著
We revisit constraints on annihilating dark matter based on the global 21cm
signature observed by EDGES. For this purpose, we used the numerical data of
the latest N-body simulation performed by state-of-the-art standard in order to
estimate the boost factor at high redshifts ($z$ = 10 - 100), which enhances
the annihilation of dark matter in course of structure formation. By taking
into account to what fraction injected energy from dark matter annihilation
contributes to ionization, excitation and heating of intergalactic medium
during dark ages, we estimated how large the global 21cm absorption can be. By
assuming the thermal freezeout scenario, we find that $m_{\rm DM} < 15$ GeV and
$m_{\rm DM} < 3$ GeV have been excluded at 95$\%$ C.L. for the annihilation
modes into $b\bar{b}$ and $e^+ e^-$, respectively.その他リンク: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevD.104.083547/fulltext
受賞 【 表示 / 非表示 】
公財)富山第一銀行奨学財団賞 奨励賞
2023年07月 富山第一銀行奨学財団
受賞者:廣島 渚 -
富山大学学長賞 第5回「未知に挑む女性研究者賞」
2021年10月 富山大学
受賞者:廣島 渚 -
2016年10月 高エネルギー加速器研究機構
受賞者:廣島 渚 -
天文・天体物理若手夏の学校 オーラルアワード(重力・宇宙論分科会)
2014年07月 第44回天文・天体物理若手夏の学校 FRBを用いた宇宙論モデルの検証手法
受賞者:廣島渚 -
2013年07月 京都大学理学研究科
受賞者:廣島 渚
科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
研究課題/領域番号:22K14035 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究
代表者:廣島 渚
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
研究課題/領域番号:20H05852 2020年11月 - 2025年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)
代表者:村瀬 孔大
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
研究課題/領域番号:19K23446 2019年8月 - 2021年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援
代表者:廣島 渚
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
(c)に関連して、フェルミ衛星の観測で狙うO(100)GeV以上の質量領域までの評価を考える上で鍵となるのがCTAプロジェクトである。申請者はこのプロジェクトに参加しており、関連論文の投稿・出版には内部審査の過程を経る必要がある。そこで、内部のpublication office に連絡を取り、本研究計画の成果内容をnon-consortium scientific paper として発表するためのタイムライン及び条件付けを議論した。
(b)に関連しては、可視光観測・データ解析の専門家と複数回の議論を行った。対面での議論も実現し、Weakly Interacgting Massive Particleの対消滅断面積への統計誤差の波及効果、および他の暗黒物質モデルに与える示唆の可能性についても検討した。
その他競争的資金獲得・外部資金受入状況 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2022年4月 - 2023年3月
地方自治体 北陸地区国立大学連合 北陸地区国立大学学術研究連携支援
代表者:廣島 渚
2019年8月 - 2022年12月
総務省 理化学研究所数理創造プログラム ワーキンググループ
代表者:廣島 渚
研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
暗黒物質ハロー階層構造から得られる 原始揺らぎパワースペクトルへの制限
日本物理学会 2024年春季大会 2024年3月
開催年月日: 2024年3月
記述言語:日本語 会議種別:口頭発表(一般)
日本天文学会2024年春季年会 2024年3月
開催年月日: 2024年3月
記述言語:日本語 会議種別:口頭発表(一般)
Semi-analytic description of halo structures and its application
Nagisa Hiroshima
FY2023 "What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter" 2024年3月
開催年月日: 2024年3月
記述言語:英語 会議種別:口頭発表(一般)
Environments for DM study
Nagisa Hiroshima
Extreme Mass Dark Matter Workshop: from Superlight to Superheavy 2024年3月
開催年月日: 2024年3月
記述言語:英語 会議種別:口頭発表(一般)
廣島渚 [招待有り]
第36回 理論懇シンポジウム 2023年12月
開催年月日: 2023年12月
記述言語:日本語 会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)
担当経験のある授業科目(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2021年10月 - 現在 機関名:富山大学
2020年10月 - 現在 機関名:富山大学
2020年4月 - 現在 機関名:富山大学
社会活動(公開講座等) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
暗黒物質の色は何色? ー 見えないモノを調べる方法 ー
(主催) 理化学研究所数理創造プログラム・(共催) アカデミスト株式会社 iTHEMS × academist オンライン一般公開「数理で読み解く科学の世界」 2020年4月
理化学研究所数理創造プログラム 理化学研究所和光地区一般公開iTHEMS講演会 理化学研究所 2019年4月
対象: 社会人・一般
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 KEKサイエンスカフェ つくば総合インフォメーションセンター 2018年10月
対象: 高校生, 大学生, 大学院生, 社会人・一般
メディア報道 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Live from BELLE-II experiment
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 暗闇を怖れないで!〜ダークマター・デイ〜 高エネルギー加速器研究機構つくばキャンパスBelle II実験棟 2018年10月
学術貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示 】
やっぱり物理が好き! ~物理に進んだ女子学生・院生のキャリア~
東京大学国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構 ( 東京大学国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構 ) 2016年11月