HIGA Hiroto


Faculty of Urban Innovation, Division of Urban Innovation

Job Title

Associate Professor

Research Fields, Keywords

水工学, Environmental Hydraulics, Remote Sensing

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The Best Research Achievement in Research Career 【 display / non-display

Education 【 display / non-display

  • 2012.4

    The University of Tokyo   Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies   Doctor Course   Completed

  • 2010.4

    The University of Tokyo   Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies   Master Course   Completed

  • 2004.4

    Tokyo University of Science   Graduated

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Doctor of Environmental Science - The University of Tokyo

  • Master of Environmental Science - The University of Tokyo

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2022.4

    Duty   Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Urban Innovation   Division of Urban Innovation   Associate Professor  

  • 2016.4

    Duty   Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Urban Innovation   Division of Urban Innovation   Assistant Professor  

  • 2017.4

    Concurrently   Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Urban Sciences   Department of Civil Engineering    Assistant Professor  

  • 2016.4

    Concurrently   Yokohama National UniversityGraduate School of Urban Innovation   Department of Infrastructure and Urban Society   Assistant Professor  

  • 2016.4

    Concurrently   Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering Science   Department of Architecture,Infrastructure,Ocean Engineering and Ecosystem Science   Assistant Professor  

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2015.4

    JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists Hydraulic Engineering (PD)   Researcher  

  • 2012.4

    JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists Hydraulic Engineering (DC1)   Researcher  

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.4

    The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Research Group for Ocean and Lake Remote Sensing

  • 2015.10

    Japan Society of Water Environment

  • 2014.10

    Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies

  • 2011.3

    Japan Society of Civil Engineers

  • 2010.9

    The Remote Sensing Society of Japan

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Hydroengineering  / 水環境工学,海岸工学,海洋光学,リモートセンシング工学


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 海の衛星リモートセンシング入門

    作野裕司,齋藤克弥,石坂丞二,虎谷充浩,比嘉紘士,向井田明,他( Role: Joint author)


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    Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display

  • Development of Ocean Color Remote Sensing Methods for Coastal Environment Monitoring


    Doctoral Thesis   Single Work  

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Observations of water optical properties during red tide outbreaks off southeast Hokkaido by GCOM-C/SGLI: implications for the development of red tide algorithms

    Siswanto, E; Luang-on, J; Ogata, K; Higa, H; Toratani, M

    REMOTE SENSING LETTERS   15 ( 2 )   121 - 132   2024.2

    DOI Web of Science

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Joint Work  

  • Spectral band-shifting of multispectral remote-sensing reflectance products: Insights for matchup and cross-mission consistency assessments

    Salem, SI; Higa, H; Ishizaka, J; Pahlevan, N; Oki, K


    DOI Web of Science

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Joint Work  

  • GLORIA-A globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for optical sensing of water quality

    Lehmann Moritz K., Gurlin Daniela, Pahlevan Nima, Alikas Krista, Anstee Janet, Balasubramanian Sund … Show more authors

    SCIENTIFIC DATA   10 ( 1 )   2023.2

    DOI Web of Science

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Joint Work  


    MIYAJIMA Tatsuya, SUZUKI Takayuki, HIGA Hiroto

    Japanese Journal of JSCE   79 ( 17 )   n/a   2023

    DOI CiNii Research

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers   Joint Work  

    <p> Beach nourishment, which serves as a measure to control beach erosion, has been implemented on numerous beaches. Laboratory experiments have been conducted to study the particle size, location, and structure of beach nourishment. However, further investigation is still needed to understand the sediment transport characteristics of beach nourishment with different mixing ratios. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments using nourishment beaches formed on a fixed-bed slope with varying mixing ratios. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments using nourishment beaches formed on a fixed-bed slope with different mixing ratios to clarify the sediment transport characteristics of mixed sand nourishment beaches and compared the results with those of single sand nourishments. The results showed that even when the median particle size of the beach is similar, the discharge of fine-grained sand is suppressed when the median particle size is small and coarse-grained sand is included in a mixed-sand beach, while coarsegrained sand tends to migrate when the median particle size is large and fine-grained sand is included in a mixed-sand beach. Therefore, it is necessary to consider not only the median particle size of beach materials but also the entire grain size distribution, including coarse and fine grain size, when selecting beach materials and studying sediment transport.</p>


    HIGA Hiroto, NAKAMURA Satomi, HAYASHI Kohaki, OKADA Teruhisa, INOUE Tetsunori, NAKAMURA Yoshiyuki, … Show more authors

    Japanese Journal of JSCE   79 ( 17 )   n/a   2023

    DOI CiNii Research

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers   Joint Work  

    <p> In this study, we focused on the circulation of sulfides, iron, and manganese in the enclosed water area of Tokyo Bay. We conducted field observations and numerical analysis using a three-dimensional coupled model of the pelagic and benthic systems. Through load surveys of rivers, we created a quantitative formula for the forms of Fe and Mn in the Arakawa and Tama rivers and calculated the load of each river. Additionally, analysis of water and sediment samples in the bay revealed an increase in P<sub>-</sub>Fe in the anoxic bottom layer where H<sub>2</sub>S was present, suggesting that the formation of oxidized iron resulted from the reaction between H<sub>2</sub>S and Fe<sup>2+</sup>. On the other hand, D<sub>-</sub>Mn was found to be highly concentrated due to leaching from the sediment under anoxic conditions (ORP <-200 mV). In the analysis using the three-dimensional coupled model, there are challenges such as overestimation of H<sub>2</sub>S in sediments and underestimation of D<sub>-</sub>Mn in the water column. However, the model was able to generally reproduce the vertical distribution of DO, D<sub>-</sub>Fe, H<sub>2</sub>S in the water column, and D<sub>-</sub>Fe, D<sub>-</sub>Mn in the sediment.</p>

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 1. 海洋可視化のための衛星センサの現状と将来展望”Current status and future prospects of satellite sensors for ocean visualization”

    作野裕司, 斎藤克弥, 石坂丞二, 虎谷充浩, 比嘉紘士, 向井田明, 堀雅裕, 富田裕之

    Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan   41 ( 2 )   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本リモートセンシング学会   Joint Work  

Awards 【 display / non-display

  • 優秀研究発表賞

    2022.5   日本リモートセンシング学会   GCOM-C/SGLIを想定した固有光学特性推定アルゴリズムの精度検証と特徴把握

    Individual or group name of awards:松下流也,比嘉紘士,石坂丞二,桑原ビクター伸一

  • 優秀研究発表賞

    2022.5   日本リモートセンシング学会  

    Individual or group name of awards:武藤正剛,比嘉紘士

  • 優秀研究者賞 (奨励賞)

    2021.3   横浜国立大学  

    Individual or group name of awards:比嘉紘士

  • 海岸工学論文奨励賞

    2020.11   公益社団法人 土木学会   気候変動観測衛星GCOM-C/SGLIによる沿岸域に特化した大気補正手法の考案

    Individual or group name of awards:中山大雅,比嘉紘士,緒方一紀,虎谷充浩

  • 海岸工学論文賞

    2019.10   公益社団法人 土木学会   静止海色衛星による硫黄の光学特性に基づいた青潮分布推定手法の開発

    Individual or group name of awards:比嘉紘士,中村航,管原庄吾,中村由行,鈴木崇之

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • 海色リモートセンシングによる沿岸域のための固有光学特性推定法の開発

    Grant number:22H05716  2022.6 - 2024.3



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 降雨特性を反映した都市沿岸域の雨天時越流水に伴う糞便汚染の類型化と低減策の評価

    Grant number:23H01542  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)


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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive


  • 画像解析によるマングローブ水域おけるプラスチック汚染実態把握と生態系への影響評価

    2020.10 - 2023.3

    科学研究費補助金  Fostering Joint International Research (B)


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 水色リモートセンシングによる沿岸域・湖沼に特化した大気補正及び水質推定手法の提案


    科学研究費補助金  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists


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    Grant type:Competitive

  • 沿岸域における陸域と水域を網羅的に捉えるリモートセンシング手法の開発




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    Grant type:Competitive

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Other external funds procured 【 display / non-display

  • 沿岸域・湖沼におけるGCOM-C海色プロダクトの高精度化と水質データ同化システムの開発

    2022.6 - 2025.3

    JAXA 第3回地球観測研究公募


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 高感度小型多波長赤外線センサ開発およびフィールド実証

    2023.4 - 2028.3

    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry  NEDO経済安全保障重要技術育成プログラム/高感度小型多波長赤外線センサ技術の開発

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    本事業は、多波長赤外線センサ技術の要素技術の検討・開発から、それらを組み合わせたセンサシステムの技術実証、そして、アプリケーションの社会実装という出口を見据えて、戦略的かつ実用的なデータ解析プラットフォームの構築を行うものである。地球表面の土壌や植物、人工物体、それを覆う水や大気は、波長1μm から5μm にわたる赤外線波長域において、それぞれを構成する化学組成、状態、密度等に固有の吸収・

  • 東京湾における埋め立て・浚渫の地形変化による水底間の物質循環の変化と二枚貝生活史への影響の把握


    International EMECS Center  若手研究者活動支援制度助成

  • 北極域沿岸の海色衛星観測のための大気補正モデルの開発


    北極域共同推進拠点 研究者コミュニティ事業 共同推進研究


  • GCOM-C/SGLI を利用した沿岸域・湖沼の水環境監視システムの構築


    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)  第2回地球観測研究公募


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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Assessment of particle absorption coefficient measurement quality during the IOPs workshop 2023 by the GCOM-C ocean color community

    Hiroto Higa, Shintaro Takao, Amane Fujiwara, Tomonori Isada, Toru Hirawake

    11th AWOC / 20th KJWOC 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Advancements in chlorophyll-a retrieval: Integrating convolution neural network models with Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument

    Salem Ibrahim Salem, Muhammad Salah, Hiroto Higa, Joji Ishizaka

    11th AWOC / 20th KJWOC 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Numerical analysis of fecal pollution caused by combined sewer overflows in the Odaiba coastal area of Tokyo

    Mizuki Arii, Hiroto Higa, Hiroaki Furumai

    11th AWOC / 20th KJWOC 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Analysis of sediment-water cycling of metals and nutrients using a hydrodynamic-ecosystem coupled model for Tokyo Bay

    Satomi Nakamura, Hiroto Higa, Teruhisa Okada, Yoshiyuki Nakamura

    11th AWOC / 20th KJWOC 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Understanding the spatial dynamics of blue tides using ocean color satellite data and ecosystem model

    Hinata Kawano, Hiroto Higa, Satomi Nakamura, Salem Ibrahim Salem, and Shogo Sugahara

    11th AWOC / 20th KJWOC 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

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Preferred joint research theme 【 display / non-display

  • Development of a plastic waste detection method using satellite data and UAV aerial images

  • Mitigation of environmental problems and clarification of material cycles in semi-enclosed water areas

  • Application of water environment monitoring methods using satellite data in coastal areas and lakes

Past of Collaboration and Commissioned Research 【 display / non-display

  • 北極域沿岸の海色衛星観測のための大気補正モデルの開発

    Offer organization: 北海道大学 北極域共同推進拠点   Cooperative Research within Japan  

    Project Year: 2021.4  -  2022.3 

  • うみつばめ Project PETREL プロジェクト

    Offer organization: 東京工業大学   Cooperative Research within Japan  

    Project Year: 2020.10  -   

  • 光学衛星の大気・水中モデル検証を目的とした CIMELサンフォトメーターの設置及び NASA AERONET-OCを通したデータ公開

    Offer organization: ホロニクス・インターナショナル株式会社   Cooperative Research within Japan  

    Project Year: 2020.10  -  2023.10 

  • Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) and Red/blue Tide Detection and Modeling for Coastal and Inland Waters in Asia

    Offer organization: NASA   International Cooperative Research  

    Project Year: 2020.6  -   


    Offer organization: アメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)   International Cooperative Research  

    Project Year: 2019.8  -   

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Charge of on-campus class subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2024   Advanced Theory of environmental processes in inland and coastal waters

    Graduate School of Urban Innovation

  • 2024   Environmental processes in inland and coastal waters

    Graduate School of Urban Innovation

  • 2024   Graduation Research B

    College of Urban Sciences

  • 2024   Graduation Research A

    College of Urban Sciences

  • 2024   off-campus practice

    College of Urban Sciences

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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 土木学会海洋開発委員会

    2022.5  幹事

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    Committee type:Academic society 

  • SGLI分科会

    2021.6  委員

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    Committee type:Government 

  • Frontiers in Marine Science Ocean Observation Editorial Board

    2021.3  Editorial Board

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    Committee type:Academic society 

  • 静止光学衛星検討委員会

    2020.4 - 2021.3  委員

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    Committee type:Government 

  • 人工衛星を利用した海洋の可視化の推進に向けた調査検討委員

    2019.4  委員

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    Committee type:Academic society 

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Social Contribution(Extension lecture) 【 display / non-display

  • 第5回スマート宇宙機器システムシンポジウム

    Role(s): Lecturer

    東京工業大学  オンライン  2021.3

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    Audience: Researchers, Company



  • JAXA GCOM-C海洋グループに対する固有光学特性のクオリティコントロールに関するワークショップ

    Role(s): Panelist, Host, Lecturer, Consultant

    横浜国立大学  オンライン  2020.9 - 2021.4

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    Audience: Researchers, Company


    JAXA GCOM-C海洋グループ研究者を対象として,海洋グループが20年以上収集した光学・水質データのクオリティコントロールの方法の提案のためのワークショップを主催した.

  • JSTプログラムの中国留学生に対する日本の水環境の技術に関する講演

    Role(s): Lecturer

    国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構  横浜国立大学  2020.1

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Government agency



  • ミクニヤ株式会社 技術発表会

    Role(s): Lecturer

    ミクニヤ株式会社  ミクニヤ株式会社  2019.12

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    Audience: General public, Company



  • 第19回東京湾シンポジウム

    Role(s): Lecturer

    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所  横浜港 大さん橋 国際客船ターミナル2F 大さん橋ホール  2019.10

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    Audience: Schoolchildren, Junior high school students, High school students, University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians, Researchers, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Government agency, Media


    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所が主催する第19回東京湾シンポジウムにて「人工衛星データによる沿岸環境モニタリング技術の現状と今後の展望」というタイトルで一般市民向けの講演を行った.

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