Affiliation |
Faculty of Engineering, Division of Systems Research |
Job Title |
Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Terramechanics, Tribology, Computational Mechanics, Materials and Mechanics |
Mail Address |
Related SDGs |
The Best Research Achievement in Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
【Published Thesis】 Constitutive equation for friction with transition from static to kinetic friction and recovery of static friction 2008.11
【Published Thesis】 Numerical study of axially crushed cylindrical tubes with corrugated surface 2009.11
【Published Thesis】 Numerical analysis of stick-slip instability by a rate-dependent elastoplastic formulation for friction 2010.11
The Best Research Achievement in the last 5 years 【 display / non-display 】
【Published Thesis】 Extended terramechanics model for machine-soil interaction: Representation of change in the ground shape and property via cellular automata(SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH) 2023.02
【Published Thesis】 Finite element analysis of fracture behavior in ceramics: Competition between artificial notch and internal defects under three-point bending(CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL) 2022.12
【Published Thesis】 Full strength and toughness recovery after repeated cracking and healing in bone-like high temperature ceramics 2020.11
【Published Thesis】 Finite element analysis of the fracture statistics of self-healing ceramics 2020.09
【Published Thesis】 Self-healing by design: universal kinetic model of strength recovery in self-healing ceramics 2020.08
Education 【 display / non-display 】
Kyushu University Bioproduction Environmental Science Doctor Course Completed
Kyushu University Bioproduction Environmental Science Graduated
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Agriculture - Kyushu University
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Duty Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Engineering Division of Systems Research Professor
Duty Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Engineering Division of Systems Research Associate Professor
Duty Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Engineering Division of Systems Research Assistant Professor
Concurrently Yokohama National UniversityInterfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies Associate Professor
Concurrently Yokohama National UniversityGraduate school of Engineering Science Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Ocean Engineering Associate Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
National Institute for Materials Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Visiting Scholar
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanincal Engineering, Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Design engineering
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Machine elements and tribology
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Mechanics of materials and materials
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Project Year:
Study on terramechanics
The Other Research Programs
Project Year:
Study on friction model
Project Year:
Finite element analysis of Frictional contact problem
Project Year:
Books 【 display / non-display 】
ひずみゲージ試験Ⅰ 問題集
高山博光,米山聡,足立忠晴,尾崎伸吾,鈴木三喜雄,関野晃一,栁井博,渡辺智美( Role: Joint author)
一般社団法人 日本非破壊検査協会
Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
ひずみゲージ試験Ⅲ 問題集
高山博光,尾崎伸吾,足立忠晴,鈴木三喜雄,関野晃一,栁井博,米山聡,渡辺智美( Role: Sole author)
一般社団法人 日本非破壊検査協会
Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
ひずみゲージ試験Ⅱ 問題集
高山博光,足立忠晴,尾崎伸吾,鈴木三喜雄,関野晃一,栁井博,米山聡,渡辺智美( Role: Sole author)
一般社団法人 日本非破壊検査協会
Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
Disaster Robotics
Fumio Kanehiro, Shin’ichiro Nakaoka, Tomomichi Sugihara, Naoki Wakisaka, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Satoshi Tadokoro( Role: Contributor)
Springer ( ISBN:10: 3030053202 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
Fumio Kanehiro, Shin’ichiro Nakaoka, Tomomichi Sugihara, Naoki Wakisaka, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Satoshi Tadokoro, “Simulator for Disaster Response Robotics”, Disaster Robotics, pp. 453-477, Springer, March. 2019. ISBN-10: 3030053202
Disaster Robotics
Hiroshi Yoshinada, Keita Kurashiki, Daisuke Kondo, Keiji agatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Masataka Fuchida, Masayuki Tanaka, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama, Takashi Shibata, Masatoshi Okutomi, Yoko Sasaki, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Fumio Kanehiro, Tomomichi Sugihara, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Koich Suzumori, Toru Ide, Akina Yamamoto, Kiyohiro Hioki, Takeo Oomichi, Satoshi Ashizawa, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Toshi Takamori, Tetsuya Kimura, Robin R Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro ( Role: Contributor)
Springer ( ISBN:10: 3030053202 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
Hiroshi Yoshinada, Keita Kurashiki, Daisuke Kondo, Keiji agatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Masataka Fuchida, Masayuki Tanaka, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama, Takashi Shibata, Masatoshi Okutomi, Yoko Sasaki, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Fumio Kanehiro, Tomomichi Sugihara, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Koich Suzumori, Toru Ide, Akina Yamamoto, Kiyohiro Hioki, Takeo Oomichi, Satoshi Ashizawa, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Toshi Takamori, Tetsuya Kimura, Robin R Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro Dual-Arm Construction Robot with Remote-Control Function”, Disaster Robotics, pp. 195-264, Springer, March2019. ISBN-10: 3030053202
Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctoral Thesis Single Work
横浜国立大学 工学府 システム統合工学専攻 論文博士
本論文は,速度・状態依存性摩擦モデルの提案とその異方性モデルへの拡張に関する内容,並びに提案モデルを用いた境界値問題への新しいアプローチ手法について論じたものである。提案モデルは非古典弾塑性論に基づいて定式化されており,基本的な速度・状態依存性すべり摩擦現象を合理的に記述し得る。また,提案モデルを有限要素法に導入することにより,境界値問題に対する新しい数値解析的アプローチ手法を提案した。 -
Proposal of unconventional friction model based on the subloading surface concept and its application to finite element analyses
Doctoral Thesis Single Work
尾崎 伸吾
Master Thesis Single Work
九州大学 生物資源環境科学府 生産環境科学専攻
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Finite element analysis of fracture behavior in ceramics: Competition between artificial notch and internal defects under three-point bending
Chihiro Ito, Toshio Osada, Shingo Ozaki 2022.8 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Single Work
Terramechanics analysis of climbing behavior of wheel against rigid obstacle on soft terrain
Keita Kita, Tomoya Arai, Kei Tsuchiya, Seiji Kon, Masahiro Katayama & Shingo Ozaki
Discover Mechanical Engineering 3 2024.6 [Reviewed]
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Single Work
Ito, C; Maeda, T; Higashi, R; Osada, T; Kohata, T; Ozaki, S
JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 44 ( 5 ) 3381 - 3392 2024.5 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Joint Work
Maeda, T; Osada, T; Ozaki, S
JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 44 ( 4 ) 2261 - 2270 2024.4 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Joint Work
Granular flow experiment using artificial gravity generator at International Space Station
Ozaki S., Ishigami G., Otsuki M., Miyamoto H., Wada K., Watanabe Y., Nishino T., Kojima H., Soda K. … Show more authors
Ozaki S., Ishigami G., Otsuki M., Miyamoto H., Wada K., Watanabe Y., Nishino T., Kojima H., Soda K., Nakao Y., Sutoh M., Maeda T., Kobayashi T. Hide authors
NPJ MICROGRAVITY 9 ( 1 ) 2023.8 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Joint Work
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
無機マテリアル 27 ( 409 ) 416 - 420 2020.11 [Reviewed] [Invited]
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:無機マテリアル学会 Single Work
セラミックス 55 ( 9 ) 672 - 675 2020.9 [Reviewed] [Invited]
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:セラミックス協会 Single Work
耐火物 71 ( 12 ) 502 - 508 2019.12
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:耐火物協会 Single Work
FCレポート 36 ( 4 ) 152 - 156 2018.10
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:日本ファインセラミックス協会 Joint Work
尾崎伸吾 外
スマートマテリアル総覧 自己治癒材料編,日経BP,第2章テクノロジー編,2-11 シミュレーション 103 - 110 2018.10
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Joint Work
尾崎伸吾,“自己治癒材料の開発に不可欠なシミュレーション技術”,スマートマテリアル総覧 自己治癒材料編,日経BP,第2章テクノロジー編,2-11 シミュレーション, pp.103-110,Oct. 2018. ISBN:978-4-296-10026-2
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
Cogent Engineering Best Paper Award
2021.5 Cogent Engineering
Individual or group name of awards:Hirotaka Suzuki, Yutaro Watanabe, Taizo Kobayashi, Karl Iagnemma, Shingo Ozaki
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:22H01357 2022.4 - 2025.3
日本学術振興会 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2019.4 - 2022.3
科学研究費補助金 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Grant type:Competitive
2019.4 - 2022.3
科学研究費補助金 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Grant type:Competitive
2016.4 - 2018.3
科学研究費補助金 Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research
Grant type:Competitive
2013.4 - 2016.3
科学研究費補助金 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Grant type:Competitive
Other external funds procured 【 display / non-display 】
次世代ファインセラミックス製造プロセスの基盤構築 ・ 応用開発 (受託研究-革新的プロセス開発基盤の構築)
2022.4 - 2024.3
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry NEDO(国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所)
航空機エンジン用評価システム基盤整備 (受託研究-タービンディスクの疲労破壊統計に関する研究)
2022.4 - 2024.3
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry NEDO(国立研究開発法人 物質・材料研究機構)
NEDO先導研究プログラム(日本ファインセラミックス協会): セラミックス焼結技術の高度化と確信焼結プロセス技術開発及びセラミックスの信頼性評価技術向上に関する開発(受託研究)
2021.7 - 2022.6
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Authorship:Principal investigator
2016.4 - 2022.3
2015.9 - 2018.3
Japan Science and Technology Agency JST ImPACT タフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
A DIC-Based Study of Thermal Stress-Strain Behavior of Cu on Metallized Si3N4 Substrate under Thermal Cycling
Minh Chu Ngo, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Hirao, Tatsuki Ohji, Shingo Ozaki, Manabu Fukushima
ICAA2024 The American Ceramic Society
Event date: 2024.1 - 2024.2
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Numerical prediction of strength scatter of ceramics: Forward analysis of strength distribution based on microstructural information
Shingo Ozaki, Taiyo Maeda, Ryunosuke Higashi, Toshio Osada
ICAA2024 The American Ceramic Society
Event date: 2024.1 - 2024.2
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Numerical prediction of strength scatter of ceramics: Inverse estimation of microstructural distribution based on strength test data
Taiyo Maeda, Toshio Osada, Shingo Ozaki
ICAA2024 The American Ceramic Society
Event date: 2024.1 - 2024.2
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Computer-aided analyses for structural reliability of ceramic materials
Tatsuki Ohji, Manabu Fukushima, Kiyoshi Hirao, Yuki Nakashima, Kimiya Aoki, Shingo Ozaki, Wataru Nakao
ICAA2024 The American Ceramic Society
Event date: 2024.1 - 2024.2
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Finite element analysis of thermal cycling test for metallized ceramic substrate
Ryunosuke Higashi, Minh Chu Ngo, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Hirao, Manabu Fukushima, Shingo Ozaki
ICAA2024 The American Ceramic Society
Event date: 2024.1 - 2024.2
Language:English Presentation type:Poster presentation
Venue:Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Preferred joint research theme 【 display / non-display 】
Study on collapse behavior of thin-walled structures
Proposal of finite element analysis method for dynamic frictional contact problem
Past of Collaboration and Commissioned Research 【 display / non-display 】
Offer organization: 立命館大学(国交省プロジェクト) Funded Research on Investiment
Project Year: 2023.4 - 2025
Funded Research offered by Enterprises
Project Year: 2010.10 - 2011.3
Funded Research offered by Enterprises
Project Year: 2010.9 - 2011.8
Funded Research offered by Enterprises
Project Year: 2010.6 - 2012.5
Charge of on-campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
2024 Continuum Mechanics
Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies
2024 Continuum Mechanics
Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies
2024 Manufacturing of Processing Systems B
Graduate school of Engineering Science
2024 Manufacturing of Processing Systems A
Graduate school of Engineering Science
2024 Design of Processing Systems B
Graduate school of Engineering Science
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
材料力学部門 講習会担当委員長
2022.4 - 2024.3 委員長
Committee type:Academic society
2018.6 - 2020.5 委員長
Committee type:Academic society
一般社団法人 日本非破壊検査協会 応力・ひずみ部門
2018.6 - 2019.5 幹事
Committee type:Academic society
JIS B 2706 皿ばね改正原案作成委員会委員
2011.12 - 2012.11
Committee type:Other
Social Contribution(Extension lecture) 【 display / non-display 】
Role(s): Other
株式会社 矢野経済研究所 Yano E plus 2019.6
Audience: Graduate students, Researchers
Type:Newspaper, magazine
Type:Newspaper, magazine
・高信頼性セラミックスの開発における時間とコストの大幅な削減が期待 -
Role(s): Filming support
化学工業日報 2018.3
Audience: General public
Type:Newspaper, magazine
セラミック強度のばらつき 数値解析が可能に
Role(s): Filming support
科学新聞 2018.3
Audience: General public
Type:Newspaper, magazine
東京理科大学生涯学習センター 東京理科大学森戸記念館 2007.7
Type:Extension Lecture
Media Coverage 【 display / non-display 】
BSフジの番組「ガリレオX」 2018.7