
Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences, Division of Social Environment and Information

Job Title


Education 【 display / non-display

  • 2006.4

    Yokohama National University   Doctor Course   Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Doctor of Engineering - Yokohama National University

  • Master of Engineering - Yokohama National University

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2024.4

    Duty   Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Environment and Information Sciences   Division of Social Environment and Information   Professor  

  • 2022.4

    Duty   Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of Environment and Information Sciences   Division of Social Environment and Information   Associate Professor  

  • 2018.10

    Duty   Yokohama National UniversityGraduate School Education Center   Associate Professor  

  • 2024.4

    Concurrently   Yokohama National UniversityCollege of Engineering Science   Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science   Professor  

  • 2024.4

    Concurrently   Yokohama National UniversityInterfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies   Professor  

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External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.10

      Associate Professor  

  • 2014.9

      Associate Professor  

  • 2012.4

      Assistant Professor  

  • 2011.4


  • 2009.4


Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.4


  • 2019.4


  • 2007.4


Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Natural Science / Basic mathematics  / Quantum walk; Discrete mathematical model

  • Natural Science / Applied mathematics and statistics


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 量子ウォークの新展開 : 数理構造の深化と応用

    今野紀雄, 井手勇介(分担執筆)( Role: Contributor)

    培風館  ( ISBN:9784563011628

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  • 横浜発 確率統計入門

    今野紀雄、井手勇介、瀬川悦生、竹居正登、大塚一路( Role: Joint author)

    産業図書  ( ISBN:9784782805121


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    Total pages:194   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

Papers 【 display / non-display

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • A dynamical system induced by quantum walk

    Higuchi, Y. and Segawa, E.

    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical   52 ( 39 )   2019

    DOI Scopus

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Joint Work  

  • Staggered quantum walk on hexagonal lattices

    Chagas, B. and Portugal, R. and Boettcher, S. and Segawa, E.

    Physical Review A   98 ( 5 )   2018

    DOI Scopus

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Joint Work  

  • Localization of quantum walks via the CGMV method

    Norio Konno and Etsuo Segawa

    Quantum Information and Computation   11 ( 5{\&}6 )   485 - 496   2011.5


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Rinton Press   Joint Work  

  • Return probability of one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks with final-time dependence

    Ide, Y. and Konno, N. and Machida, T. and Segawa, E.

    Quantum Information and Computation   11 ( 9-10 )   761 - 773   2011


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Joint Work  

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • 組合わせ的離散構造に対する量子ウォークの共鳴現象による逆問題的アプローチ

    2019.4 - 2022.3

    科学研究費補助金  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Investigator(s):瀬川 悦生

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    Grant type:Competitive

  • 量子ウォークから誘導される空間構造の解析

    2016.4 - 2018.3

    科学研究費補助金  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)

    Investigator(s):瀬川 悦生

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    Grant type:Competitive

  • 量子ウォークによるネットワークの構造解析に向けた研究

    2013.4 - 2016.3

    科学研究費補助金  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)

    Investigator(s):瀬川 悦生

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    Grant type:Competitive

Other external funds procured 【 display / non-display

  • ドレスト光子に関わる基礎理論研究



Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 固定点に収束する量子ウォークで駆動する量子探索の提案

    瀬川悦生  [Invited]

    第14回 東京大学数理情報学談話会 

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    Event date: 2023.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • 量子ウォークと組合わせ構造

    瀬川悦生  [Invited]


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    Event date: 2023.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Circuit equation for Grover walk

    Etsuo Segawa  [Invited]

    2022 Japan-China International Conference on matrix theory with applications 

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    Event date: 2022.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Grover walkの回路方程式



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    Event date: 2022.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Combinatorial Graph Structures Induced by Quantum Walks

    Etsuo Segawa


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    Event date: 2022.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

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Charge of on-campus class subject 【 display / non-display

  • 2024   Quantum Search Algorithm Ⅱ

    Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies

  • 2024   Quantum Search Algorithm Ⅰ

    Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies

  • 2024   Advanced Information Mathematics Ⅳ

    Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies

  • 2024   Literacy for Environment and Information Science Towards a Super Smart Society

    Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences

  • 2024   Advanced Quantum Algorithm Exercise Ⅳ

    Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences

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Social Contribution(Extension lecture) 【 display / non-display

  • 第5回Yokohama Workshop on Quantum Walks

    Role(s): Consultant, Other

    神奈川大学横浜キャンパス  2017.9

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchers, Other

    Type:Seminar, workshop

    世話人: 瀬川悦生(東北大学, 世話人代表), 井手勇介(神奈川大学), 町田拓也(日本大学)

  • レーザー同位体分離の実用化における量子ウォークの数理

    Role(s): Consultant, Logistic support

    九州大学マスフォアインダストリ研究所  九州大学マスフォアインダストリ研究所  2017.7

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    Audience: Graduate students, Teachers, Researchers, General public

    Type:Extension Lecture

    九州大学マスフォアインダストリ研究所 短期共同研究採択
    世話人:鈴木 章斗(信州大学工学部・准教授, 世話人代表)
    瀬川 悦生(東北大学情報科学研究科・准教授)
    横山 啓一(日本原子力研究開発機構 ・研究主幹)
    今野 紀雄(横浜国立大学大学院工学研究院・教授)
    松江 要(九大IMI・助教)

  • International Workshop of Quantum Simulation and Quantum Walks 2015

    Role(s): Chief editor, Interviewer, Consultant, Logistic support

    Interdisciplinary Information Sciences  2016.11

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchers, General public, Other

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 量子系の数理と物質工学への応用II~量子ウォークを架け橋に~

    Role(s): Logistic support, Other

    統計数理研究所数学協働プログラム、JSPS-NRF, Japan-Korea Basic Scientific Cooperation Program “Non-commutative Stochastic Analysis; New Aspect of Quantum White Noise and Quantum Walks”  横浜国立大学  2016.10

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchers, General public

    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 量子系の数理と物質工学への応用~量子ウォークを架け橋に~

    Role(s): Consultant, Logistic support, Other

    統計数理研究所数学協働プログラム、東北大学重点戦略支援プログラム「数学をコアとするスマート・イノベーション融合研究共通基盤の構築と展開」  東北大学情報科学研究科棟  2014.9

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchers, General public, Other

    Type:Seminar, workshop


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