Affiliation |
Faculty of International Social Sciences, Division of International Social Sciences |
Job Title |
Lecturer |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Business Strategy, Organization Theory, Innovation, Knowledge Transfer, Resource-based View, Employee Mobility |
The Best Research Achievement in Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
【Published Thesis】 Firm's Internal Knowledge Transfer Following Strategic Business Exit:(Organizational Science) 2024.06
Education 【 display / non-display 】
Hitotsubashi University Doctor Course Completed
Hitotsubashi University Master Course Completed
Hitotsubashi University Graduated
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Business and Commerce - Hitotsubashi University
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Duty Yokohama National UniversityFaculty of International Social Sciences Division of International Social Sciences Lecturer
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy Visiting Researcher
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration / Business Strategy
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration / Organization Theory
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration / Innovation
Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display 】
Knowledge Transfer by the Rearrangement of Human and Social Capital: a Natural Experiment using Personnel Relocation following Business Exit
Kazuki Yokota
Doctoral Thesis Single Work [Reviewed]
The ambivalent effects of employee departure on innovation
Kazuki Yokota
Master Thesis Single Work [Reviewed]
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Firm's Internal Knowledge Transfer Following Strategic Business Exit:
Yokota Kazuki
Organizational Science 57 ( 4 ) 87 - 100 2024.6 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science Single Work
<p>A firm’s strategic business exit may stimulate knowledge transfer within the organization that would not otherwise have occurred. The key mechanism behind this effect is the reallocation of its employees. The analysis results show that patents related to cellular phones increased their influence within the company after Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s withdrawal from the cellular phone business. This result suggests that synergies may be realized following a business exit and that reallocating employees is crucial. These findings have critical implications for understanding the inter-temporal scope economies of multi-divisional firms.</p>
Inter-firm mobility of inventors: knowledge flowing back to the source firm
Kazuki Yokota
Organizational Science 56 ( 3 ) 79 - 89 2023.3 [Reviewed]
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Single Work
Identify novel elements of knowledge with word embedding
Deyun Yin, Zhao Wu, Kazuki Yokota, Kuniko Matsumoto, Sotaro Shibayama
PLOS ONE 18 ( 6 ) 1 - 16 2023.6 [Reviewed]
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Single Work
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Talent Allocation and Experience Recombination for Long-term Creativity
Naoki Takada, Kazuki Yokota, Junya Kataoka, Shuxuan Li
ISPIM Connects Osaka 2024 2024.12 International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
Event date: 2024.12
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Osaka, Kansai University Country:Japan
Staffing Path and Innovation: An Analysis of Inter- temporal Staffing Patterns in the Japanese Video Game Industry
Event date: 2024.9
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
吉岡(小林)徹, 片岡純也, 横田一貴, 柴山創太郎, 川村真理
研究・イノベーション学会 第38回年次学術大会 2023.10
Event date: 2023.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
戦略的撤退がもたらす社内知識の移転 ー雇用維持のための配置転換がもたらすシナジーの創発ー
組織学会 2023年度研究発表大会 2023.6
Event date: 2023.6
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
片岡純也, 横田一貴, 吉岡(小林)徹, 柴山創太郎, 川村真理
研究・イノベーション学会 第38回年次学術大会 2023.10
Event date: 2022.10 - 2023.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Charge of on-campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
2024 Study on Business Strategy
Faculty of International Social Sciences
2024 基礎ゼミナール
College of Business Administration
2024 組織間関係論
College of Business Administration
2024 経営学概論
College of Business Administration